Friday, April 25, 2014

A Word from Daddy J

We had another ultrasound this week.  Finally some positive developments. First off, we received our genetic test results, which were very encouraging:

The chances of the babies having Downs Syndrome: 1 in 4,100
The chances of the babies having Trisomy 18: 1 in 10,000
The chances of the babies having open neural tube defects: 1 in 9,300

Aside from that, we have made the family decision to solely focus on the positive with bringing these two new lives into our family.  Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts.  We know that our Heavenly Father has been listening.  This week we saw indications of kidneys in Little.  The actual kidneys themselves are difficult to see, even in Big, but the signs of kidney function are showing up in Little.  Stomach, bladder, and increased amniotic fluid are all present and accounted for.  In his first twenty weeks or so of gestation, Little produced 1 cm of fluid.  In the last two weeks he has produced just over 1 more cm--Huge improvement.  Also, for the first time Little stretched a leg while we were around to watch.  Femur, Tibia, Fibula, and foot were all visible on his right leg.  He chose to keep the other one tucked up against his chest so no picture, but up until now he had kept both tucked away.

There it is--Little's right leg, all stretched out!

  We are very happy about bringing these two guys into our family.  They might struggle some with unknown challenges but they are blessings, and we are grateful.  Even if all these babies do is let us know how loved we are by all of you, which we are confident will not be the extent of their journeys, they have fulfilled a mission in allowing us to see the good will and love of those by whom we are surrounded.  Thank you again for all the hopes and prayers on our behalf, we ask that you please continue them.  We love you all and will continue to keep you up to date with all of the good things the boys are bringing to our lives. 

Much Love ;)


  1. I am ecstatic to hear good news! Love you guys! We will continue to keep your growing family on our prayers!

  2. So glad to hear there are some positive improvements!
